I was looking for photo-etched part for my Tamiya 1/24 Subaru Impreza WRC Monte Carlo `05 for the past few weeks but couldn't decide whether getting the tamiya or other brand etching part. Then one of my plamo friend introduced me an online toy shop from Hong Kong, namely Hobbyeasy which offers a lot of good deals on their plamo kits. After browsing through their website, i was glad to hunt down some worth plamo kits plus the etching part that i initially looking for^^
They offer a reasonable shipping cost for customers
A total of 3 plamo kits plus 2 etching part for this order
1/24 Morris Mini Cooper 1275S Rally
The size of this mini cooper is smaller than my palm^^
1/24 Nissan GT-R
Check out the size comparison between this 2 kits.
1/12 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-RR
1/24 Subaru Impreza WRC Monte Carlo `05 Etching Part
我 还 有 末 了 的 话 : 你 们 要 靠 着 主 , 倚 赖 他 的 大 能 大 力 作 刚 强 的 人 。要 穿 戴 神 所 赐 的 全 副 军 装 , 就 能 抵 挡 魔 鬼 的 诡 计 。~ 以 弗 所 書 6:10-11 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. ~ Ephesians 6:10-11
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