Finally my long desired item has arrived^^ This cute little revoltech is almost sold out everywhere that you can find in the local toyshop. So just grab one while you have chance to do so =D
我 还 有 末 了 的 话 : 你 们 要 靠 着 主 , 倚 赖 他 的 大 能 大 力 作 刚 强 的 人 。要 穿 戴 神 所 赐 的 全 副 军 装 , 就 能 抵 挡 魔 鬼 的 诡 计 。~ 以 弗 所 書 6:10-11 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. ~ Ephesians 6:10-11
i have one of that too but the pakaging of mine is diff from yours. mine was in the normal revoltech box but urs is in spuare flat box.
ReplyDeleteHey bro, ths for dropping by...i think urs is the big amazon ver...^^ mine is mini one^^