Well, This is my first lady of threeA figure the Princess Tomorrow Queen from Popbot line. The original look for this Princess TQ is wearing a one piece suit but due to the manufactured defect on her skin i decided to give her a new set of suit which would be able to cover up the defected skin area. ThreeA always known as their best customer service and after sale service so this time they gonna replace a whole new figure for this defected one^^
It's has been a couple of months i didn't update my blog as i was occupied with my little princess for most of my time^^ Here's some photos that i've taken last week with very limited amount of time that i somehow managed to squeeze out^^
我 还 有 末 了 的 话 : 你 们 要 靠 着 主 , 倚 赖 他 的 大 能 大 力 作 刚 强 的 人 。要 穿 戴 神 所 赐 的 全 副 军 装 , 就 能 抵 挡 魔 鬼 的 诡 计 。~ 以 弗 所 書 6:10-11 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. ~ Ephesians 6:10-11